Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pregnant No More (The complete and vivid explanation of what happened the weekend of October 11th)

It's been almost two months since my last post and I feel like I should give everyone an update.
If you know me personally you'll know that baby number two has been born. To say everything went smoothly would be untrue. We'll get to that later.

From September 13th (my last post) to October 11th, my life went to a stand still. My house started to look like pinterest threw up in it and I was mostly focused on making sure the transition between going from a family of 2 to 3 would be smooth. My only dates were with a 3 year old, boys could wait.

On the night of October 10th, my mom got the phone call that it was time to go, my water broke. As a smoker, I grabbed my bags and sat outside and just tried to prepare myself of what was to come. She drove like a bat out of hell, completely taken aback that I was just sitting there, cigarette in hand, waiting. We dropped off little man to the babysitter, whom I had just seen a half hour prior and off we went.

4 hours later, there he was. The little itty bitty baby who I had shared so many new experiences with. Little did he know, he was there through it all. The ups, the downs, the secret tears I shed, the anger to what had happened, the drama, he was there.

I had continued to feel strong contractions after everything was said and done and had given my nurse a head's up. She said it was normal and everything was fine. After my epidural had worn off, my bed felt wet and I had asked my mom to call the nurse. They took one look under the blanket and all hell broke loose. Nurses were screaming for Doctor's and I was warned I was going to feel an extensive amount of pain but there was no time for pain meds. After I'm pretty sure what felt like the doctor's both arms and hell maybe even a leg up my poor lady parts, they said everything was caught in time and I'll be fine. WRONG. There's many theories of why my hemorrhaging happened, from everything to bad karma (yes, you can take a wild guess who said that) to the fact they used forcepts to take out my placenta, the world may never know.

I was told afterwards I was extremely pale when I got home but I felt completely fine. 100% (in my mind) back to normal. I was sitting fine and didn't have to deal with any stitches this time around (Thanks child #1). However, less than 24 hours later, I was at a family function and one minute I was parading around my new baby, the next I was hovered over in pain and could not physically move. I asked my mom to call  an ambulance and that was the longest 20 minute wait of my life. After taking my blood pressure and it was falling dangerously low, I was considered "hot" and was rushed back to the hospital. I think we should all take a minute though and ask the Harper government TO INSTALL BETTER SHOCKS ON OUR AMBULANCES. Every bump caused me to scream out, and we did 80 km/h down Walker Road construction. I thought I was going to bounce off the gurney.

I was thrown right into a private room in the ER and had a great nurse named Anthony. Even in distress I couldn't help but admire his smile and thought about asking if he was single. However, he did know I was post partum and well, this was not the time for explanations of my situation. An ultrasound had concluded that I still had a massive blood clot in my uterus and was still experiencing massive hemorrhaging. To summarize my 24 hours there: I had to get 2 bags of blood,  LOTS of morphine, 4 pills where no one should have anything put up, the worst pee of my life, and if you're in the ER on thanksgiving weekend, you're going to have a bad time listening to people puking.

Finally, I was released and given a wack load of pills, antibiotics, pain meds, you name it. I was home to my babies and have been ever since. It was quite the eye opener of a weekend and in a way, this did not shock me. Little bitty baby had to make sure his birth was remembered and trust me, it definitely will be.


  1. Hi, do you have an update? I started reading your blog and am sad you ended on this note. Maybe you could put out a diary of dating a soon-after-birth mom? I bookmarked this a long time ago as I am also pregnant and was opening up to dating. Now, I'm 2cm dilated and 60% effaced, due date is on the 13th (10 days from now) and I met a great guy on thanksgiving through his cousin. We have been hanging out since but haven't decided if we are dating yet. Though we are getting to that point. I'm SO close to popping out this baby girl and felt like I could relate to your posts. Just wanted to check in and see how things are going and if you have found any luck with dating since.

    Congratulations on your baby (belated).

    1. Hi Amy,
      congrats on the almost baby! I've thought about doing a "what am I up to now post" but there's some things that could possibly be used against me.
      I have met a man, to say he's perfect is the understatement of the year. He's amazing, however he does know about this blog and I promised him I wouldn't write about him. I'm kicking myself in the ass about that because really, it made the blog come to a stand still! lol. If you would like to add me to facebook amy, my facebook is and I can fill you in personally there instead of publishing it.
